


Happy Friday! What fun plans do you have this weekend? I am officially at that point in the summer when all I want is for fall to hurry up and get here. Currently, I am craving hearty soups, cardigans, and crisp, cool weather. I love…

What are you up to this weekend? My weekend is looking to be quite rainy, so I’m envisioning most of Saturday and Sunday being spent indoors. I’m excited to go see the new Mission: Impossible movie and we may meet up with friends we haven’t seen in…

You’ve made it to Friday and the weekend is right around the corner- cue all the happy emoji’s! What are your plans for this weekend? I have intentions of spending a big chunk of my weekend messing around with The Amateur Garden; I’ll have an…

How has your week been? My week has been busy, but sprinkled with these little moments of summertime perfection; going on a walk with my husband and getting stuck in a refreshing summer rainstorm, late night’s grilling supper and harvesting herbs in the dark with fireflies. The heat…

What are you up to this weekend? I have been looking forward to a zero-commitment weekend for what seems like months, and it is finally here! (Remember 2 weeks ago when I said we had a relaxing weekend planned? Yeah, that never happened.) So, we are…

Is it just me or does a short week always end up feeling longer? Mid-week holidays tend to throw me off a bit, so I’m happy we’re going into the weekend. This weekend should be pretty low-key. I’m hoping to bake a few loaves of…