What are you up to this weekend? We have plans to go to a bbq at a friend’s place, as well as spend some time with family. Despite saying a few Friday’s ago that I was going to work on the garden for Fall, that has yet to happen and I’m hopeful I can make a little bit of headway over the weekend. I hope you have a fabulous weekend, and here is your weekly roundup of food links from around the web…

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Gin drinkers are Amazon’s biggest drunk shoppers.

Dogs trained to sniff out bacteria to protect honeybees.

These women are reshaping the food system.

Fairytale eggplants are the cutest, and this recipe looks incredible.

Farmworker shortage in Washington: apple crops going unharvested.

A Persian zucchini stew that’s stronger than any travel ban.

Chocolate camp for pastry chefs.

One can never have enough chocolate chip cookies. Especially when toffee’s involved.

reading this and this
watching this and this
listening to this and this
cooking from this

Photo: Bird and palms  at sunset, Santa Monica, CA

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